Suitcase in hand. Sacred book on top. Navigating the queue. Without a stop. Meek in manner. Eyes downcast. When he was addressed That do not last. Eyes lit up. A Charisma fire started. The man…

Peace of night

The roar of the day gives way to the peace of the night time. The only time when I have free reign of my thoughts. I fight the urge to sleep some nights. In bed,…

We the people.

Freedom of speech goes both ways. Freedom from your fellow citizens reaction to your speech is not A right. Inciting violence or using same as a reaction is against the law and yes that also…


Someone can look just fine, beautiful, radiant and feel terrible. Yes you can be ill and look fine. They are not well. It is counter intuitive, I know, but believe them when they tell you…

Never enough…

You love them. You feed them. You take care of them when they are young. You take them to get medical treatment when they are beyond your healing skill. You put up with their nonsense,…

No slowing down..

The pace continues to quicken, or am I just getting slower. Hard to tell when you’re in it. In your fish bowl of reality. Things you observe from others they cannot see. Things others observe…

And now summer…

Busy time with one more semester done. My school mentor says I could finish this up this semester. Going forward with that goal in mind. Incredible how the mind can bounce back. So much that…

Letting go of stuff…

All I can say is it is liberating and frees up space in the real world and mentally. Once I it is gone you do not get the little voice in your head saying unpleasant…

Kitty goes to the vet.

Going solo with Kitty today. She seems to be having a emotional episode. Every year at this time she freaks out. I do not know if there is a permanent solution for this. Personally I…

Flu Shot

First off, sore arm. Second, yes I have a low grade fever. Third, symptoms getting worse body pain and fatigue setting in. Fourth, I did not get one last year. Why now? Someone I know,…